Tuesday 25 June 2019

Another Kawaii Haul: Mi-eau

Hey lovelies! Happy Tuesday! I hope you're all having a wonderful start to the last week of June! … As if it's the last week of June, there goes another month of 2019, the sixth month is almost through... why is time going by so fast!? Do you guys feel the same? So, there's only five more days remaining of June and this is my first post of the month, oops! The only word I can find to summarise the last three weeks is ugh; well actually, one of those weeks was fun! If you follow me on social media, you'll most likely know that I got to spend five days away holidaying with my mom and sister (and Aurora the pupper) in the Lake District. It was lovely to get away, to the countryside, and to just take a break from my everyday life and surroundings! I didn't want to come home, but alas I'm back and it's about time that I shared a post with you guys! As my title suggests, I'm going to finally get around to showing you all what I bought over a month ago (and then some) from Mi-eau! Enjoy :) 

Business card from Mi-eau, a kawaii artist

I first came across the incredibly adorable artwork by Mi-eau over on Tumblr! Tumblr may have its downsides but I have to be thankful to it for bringing to my attention so many wonderful artists and their fabulous products. As soon as I saw Mi-eau's super cute illustrations, I fell in love and couldn't resist ordering something as soon as payday came around. I can't wait to show you guys how fantastic the artwork is! You can also find Mi-eau over on Instagram and DeviantArt. So here's what I bought... Cue the cuteness overload!

A haul from a store called Mi-eau, featuring badges, stickers and a charm

*Eeee!* SO MUCH CUTE!! It's impossible for me not to squeee everytime I look at these products! I was sold after seeing the neko girl character, but I fell head over heels when I browsed Mi-eau's website and discovered the Hamtaro badges! Seeing anything Hamtaro-related hits me with all the nostalgia, because I used to be obsessed with it back when I was around 11/12. I would watch it every evening on Fox Kids after coming home from school, and I even named one of my hamsters Hamtaro :) Did any of you watch Hamtaro, too? If so, did you have a favourite character? Mine was Sandy. 

So back to the neko girl, I am a big fan of all things nekomimi and cats are just amazing in general. I also enjoy cat cosplay (and some NSFW themed dress up :p), and happen to have a blue tail and ears set, so when I saw this character with her blue outfit and dark brown hair, it instantly reminded me of myself and I had to have something with this illustration on! I wanted to purchase a phone charm with the same design, but they were sold out and thus I chose another because all of the designs were equally adorable :) 

A thankyou note from an online store called Mi-eau

Before I show you the products up-close and let you know what I think of them, I just had to mention this lovely note that Victoria from Mi-eau included with my order. How sweet! I really love when artists/companies, etc., put in personalised thankyou notes; it makes receiving orders feel kind of like getting happy mail from a penpal, and also makes it clear that the artists really appreciates their customers. I was also sent the most adorable happy Shiba Inu sticker for free along with the note! Thankyou Mi-eau!

A set of 6 button badges showing characters from an anime, Hamtaro

Let's talk about the star of the show first! I think they are AMAZING!! I love how each and every one of the Ham-Ham badges has a unique design that reflects the personality of the characters so well. The badges come in all different colours too, which I really like and there's just so much detail. There were two button badge sets available, each having six badges, and I really wanted to buy them both T_T I will definitely be picking up the other one as soon as my budget permits! The other set includes a badge of Sandy, the one I mentioned was my favourite character from the anime, however, so many of my top five were included in this pack so after changing my mind several times, I added these to my shopping cart! 

Button Badges showing characters from the anime, Hamtaro

The four badges above feature Bijou (blue), Oxnard (green), Pashmina & her 'adopted' little sister Penelope (pink), and Jingle (red). Bijou is one of my all-time favourite characters... I love the first episode that she was in, it always comes to mind straight away whenever I think about the show. I don't want to spoil it though, and recommend that you go and watch Hamtaro for yourselves. It's so cute!! I love her little pigtails and her expression is literally me everytime I see something kawaii XD As I got older, I began to relate more and more with Oxnard because he's a nervous wreck and very much loves his food... and that is me in a nutshell, or however the saying goes. I love that in the design of this badge, he is stuffing his face with sunflower seeds and looks so delighted! 

The pink badge is just lovely. The shade of pink Mi-eau has used is so pretty, and Pashmina & Penelope's expressions are super cute! (Side note: there needs to be more words for cute in the English language!) Penelope is another adorable character, she's very shy and as a result wears a yellow blanket over her head and we never get to see what she actually looks like. She also acts almost like a toddler and can only say the word 'Ukyu!'. The Jingle illustration is perfect because he looks so into the song he's playing on his tiny guitar. Which is your favourite of the four? 

A set of Hamtaro (an anime) button badges made by Mi-eau

The final two badges are of Stan (yellow) and Snoozer (blue). Stan is the twin brother of my favourite Ham-Ham Sandy, and the two are very energetic.. Stan is always dancing around and shaking the maracas that he's holding in the artwork above, and Sandy is into gymnastics, especially rhythmic gymnastics/dancing with ribbons. Stan is a cheeky Ham-Ham character, who flirts with all of the girl hamsters on the anime, so I love that he has such a cheeky and excitable expression on the button badge. My favourite thing about the design has to be the colourful confetti though! It looks like he's having the time of his life dancing away with his maracas and it makes just me happy when I look at it, haha. 

Snoozer, as his name suggests, is characterised by the fact that he's practically always sleeping. He reminds me of a hamster version of the Pokemon Snorlax! He sleeps inside a sock like its a sleeping bag, which is just the cutest thing ever, right!? When I was younger, this inspired me to give my own pet hamsters socks, which they always stuffed into their little bed boxes :D Who do you guys like more, Snoozer or Stan? So, those are the Hamtaro button badges! They are incredible and I adore them!! I'll certainly be wearing them out and about because they are too brilliant to never be shown off, but I won't be putting them on my bags and such, like I usually do with badges, as I don't want to risk losing or damaging them. 

A sticker of a chibi-style character dressed as a cat/neko

Now it's time to discuss the illustration that first grabbed my attention! Isn't it one of the most adorable things you've ever seen!? This super cute neko girl is one of the four animal cosplay/kigurumi characters, all holding matching plushies. The others include, the Shiba Inu girl on the charm I bought, plus a rabbit and a bear one. Whilst we are on the subject of animal kigurumi, which of these animal onesies would you love to own? I've seen a flying squirrel one and a red panda one that I really want (unfortunately the majority of kigurumi aren't available in plus sizes T_T). 

I love the yellow and blue combination on this neko/cat girl illustration, those colours go so well together. The little star details are awesome too, especially the star in her eye. I think black cats are beautiful and they are definitely one of my favourite type of cats, so I like that she is holding a black cat plushie. I also love the paw gloves and how she's holding her 'paw' up, and together with the fact she's winking, just makes her look super adorable! I could go on and on about why I like this illustration, but I'll stop now before I bore you all, haha! 

A photo of a charm featuring a girl dressed as a shiba inu dog

Here's the Shiba Inu/Puppy kigurumi girl, and she's just as wonderful as the neko version. My favourite things about her design are her chubby cheek that looks like she's squishing her plushie against it! Also, the doggo paw gloves and the excited look on the plushies face. Shiba Inu's are one of the cutest dog breeds there is! 

This charm attaches to your phone via the earphone port. The back of it is blank and is made of a smooth, felt-like material, and the part that has the artwork on is raised and kind of squishy. The cord is elasticated, which is great because it makes it less likely to break if it gets caught or whatever. Whilst reading up the product info on Mi-eau's website, I found out that the smooth material is actually microfiber and can be used to clean your screen... so that's brilliant! 

A haul from a store called Mi-eau: button badges, stickers and a charm

I am in awe of how bright and cheerful all of this gorgeous artwork is!! It makes my heart happy :') Ooops, I almost forgot to tell you all how much the items cost. The charms are $5, so just under £4 each, which I think is a great price for such a cute, well-made charm that doubles as a screen cleaner. The sticker was $2.50 aka just under £2, fantastic in my opinion for a vinyl sticker that's quite large (7.5 x 7 cm) and very eye-catching. The item that cost the most was naturally the set of six button badges, priced at $8.50 or £6.69 according to Google. That is an amazing price for these stunning Hamtaro badges, and was a deal that I couldn't pass up on! The postage & packaging/shipping was just over £5, and Mi-eau is based in France so I didn't have to pay any customs fees, etc. All the pricing was in USD because I did my haul via Mi-eau's Storenvy. 

A charm made by an online store called Mi-eau, showing a shiba inu girl

So those are all of the items that I purchased from Mi-eau. I hope you guys enjoyed today's post, and apologies that I pretty much ghosted my blog for a month >.< I'm going through some tough things at the moment that are putting a strain on my mental health, but writing up this post has helped to brighten my day and I just had to share these super cute items that will hopefully brighten up your day too! I think that the Mi-eau store is taking a short break at the moment, but here is a link so you can have a look through the marvellous products. Have a lovely rest of your week! 

Thankyou for reading! 


What is your favourite item from my haul?

Have you bought anything nice lately? 
I'd love to hear all about it!

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  1. Oh my gosh everything is just adorable, I love the artwork so much those badges are so precious xoxo


  2. OMG everything you picked up is so damn cute! Especially the Hamtoro badges. :')

    The little shiba advert card for Mi Eau is adorable!


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